Last week the Excel Center London hosted the annual London Affiliates Conference, and what a week it was!
With 5,663 attendees (a new record), the venue was buzzing with both industry heavy weights and new faces to the iGaming world.
At the Kindred Affiliates stand, we hosted a total of 100 meetings with our existing partners, as well as welcoming many new prospective visitors. At the end of each meeting our affiliate partners were able to ‘Spin the Wheel’ for the chance to win one of our exclusive prizes. These ranged from custom Kindred M&M’S®, to our grand prizes including tickets to Cheltenham and a Real Madrid shirt signed by Kroos.
On the eve of the conference, we also hosted an evening of food, drink and darts for our affiliate partners at Flight Club, Shoreditch. We had over 100 attendees at this event, a great opportunity for a bit of friendly competition and good conversation.
The Kindred Affiliates Team want to thank everyone who attended our stand and affiliate evening, we look forward to seeing you again next year!